How to apply
Apply to join the council
The application process differs for academic appointees, student, staff, and community member representatives. Please review the application criteria below prior to applying and complete the application that matches your affiliation to the University.
Application Criteria
All representatives of the Public Safety Advisory Council must complete required training within the first academic quarter of their service. Training topics will include an overview of the University community, orientation to the structure and functions of the Department of Safety and Security, an overview of civilian oversight of law enforcement, implicit bias, procedural justice, and a review of UCPD policies and training relevant to the council's advisory powers. Council members will also participate in a “ride-along” session with UCPD personnel.
To be eligible to serve on the Public Safety Advisory Council, community members must either:
Reside within the UCPD extended patrol area, or
Be the parent or guardian of a student who attends a school located within the UCPD extended patrol area.
Community members may apply to serve on the council. The Office of Civic Engagement will empanel a community representative selection committee comprised of community leaders familiar with the University and public safety issues. The provost will appoint the council's community representatives from among the applicants nominated by the community representative selection committee.
Community representatives may not be employed in law enforcement at the time of appointment and must be free of any conflicts of interest with the University. The need for broad geographic representation among the community representatives, in particular, and the council, in general, will be an important consideration in the selection of community representatives.
Academic appointees may complete an application for consideration to serve on the Public Safety Advisory Council. A selection committee comprised of the University deans will review applications and nominate academic appointees to the president for consideration. The president will determine the academic appointments. Academic appointee representatives must have been employed full-time by the University for at least one year.
Staff may complete an application for consideration to serve on the Public Safety Advisory Council. UChicago Medicine staff applications will be reviewed by Medical Center leadership, who will select their representative. Staff applications from the broader University will be screened by the Office of the Provost. Nominations will be shared with the president, who will determine the staff appointments. Staff representatives must have been employed full-time by the University for at least one year.
Students may complete an application for consideration to serve on the Public Safety Advisory Council. The Graduate Council will oversee the selection process of the graduate student representatives, and the Undergraduate Student Government will oversee the selection process of the undergraduate student representative. Graduate Council and Undergraduate Student Government will each present nominations to the dean of students in the University, who will make the appointments. Student representatives must have been enrolled full-time at the University for at least one year. For more information about the student recruitment process, contact Somaiyya Ahmad at